The best way to stop crime is to deter it from ever happening in the first place. When potential criminals attempt to strike, how do our proactive & live deterrence measures ensure they get the message and desist in their activities?

We develop & leverage layered security to deter crime.

Our primary goal is to deter crime before it happens. We employ a layered approach to security, one that begins with proactive and live deterrents, which act as a first line of defense for protecting any site. Before we alert Police to a situation, we will first issue these deterrents to warn criminals that they are being monitored and we will alert authorities if they persist in their actions. These deterrents have proven to be highly effective with an industry leading 98% crime deterrence rate, helping to prevent crime and keep properties and assets secure.
A suspected thief attempts to steal and notices Caliber's proactive deterrents in action

The need for proactive deterrence for crime prevention:

While many businesses and projects have some semblance of security, they are often reactive by nature – meaning when someone trespasses on a site, they are not proactively deterred from committing a crime.
Caliber Communications video monitoring unit mounted on a pole- Headquarters parking lot
This often results in the theft of valuable assets, or vandalism to a property that is usually discovered long after a crime has been committed. While it is commonplace for businesses to install security cameras to record surveillance footage, they are often not live monitored and feature no proactive means for deterrence to prevent these crimes from taking place.
From construction sites, to critical infrastructure, to commercial properties – there have been countless examples of businesses engaging in a reactive approach to security, and while any sort of security surveillance presence can be beneficial, it is not enough to proactively deter crime from happening. What ends up occurring as a result is a lengthy and sometimes costly investigation conducted internally, or by law enforcement, who often have very little information to work with – other than grainy security footage and incomplete or inaccurate descriptions of the suspects.

Criminals are brazen in their attempts to steal, and the inclusion of proactive deterrents in a security plan means that they will get the message that the site is off limits before they even take another step.

Which deterrents do we utilize to help prevent crime for our clients?

1. Deterrence signage warns potential trespassers

When preventing crime, we use deterrence signage to provide the first layer of protection. Typically posted on fences and exterior areas, they are used to warn trespassers they are about to enter a site that is live monitored. Signage is the first step of establishing security on site, as many trespassers are deterred when they are made aware that a site is live monitored; that their actions are being recorded, and that Police will be dispatched if they proceed.
Caliber Communications deterrence signage

2. LED Strobe Lights act as a warning & visual indicator

Our deterrence peripherals are housed within our proprietary Video Security Unit, which is a complete security solution, containing both high-resolution cameras and live deterrence capabilities to help prevent crime. The next layer of proactive deterrence is found in our high visibility LED strobe light.
Strobe lights are a visual deterrent that signal to trespassers and potential criminals that they are trespassing on a live monitored site. Packed with 4 high-intensity LED lights, they are also utilized as visual indicator for alerting law enforcement to specific locations of interest when they are responding to acts of crime on-site. With an IP66 enclosure rating, our strobe lights are tested to withstand the environmental elements such as rain and snow, and protection against dust, sand, and debris. They are also built to last – designed to endure 100,000 hours (11 years) of constant use, lowering the need for replacements and service checkups.

3. Live Communication Speakers for Voice Commands that are loud & clear

Another powerful & highly effective deterrence measure is the use of loud and authoritative voice commands. Our Live Video Monitoring Operators issue these voice commands to warn individuals that they are trespassing and law enforcement will be alerted if they don’t desist in their actions.
For full transparency, all voice commands are automatically stored in our proprietary reporting platform, syncroReports. These voice commands can also be useful for health and safety monitoring – alerting workers that they are not properly adhering to health and safety protocols such as not using PPE or working at heights without the necessary safety equipment. They are also used for alerting clients & customers of regular business hours, or to warn future homeowners of the dangers of visiting unfinished projects and to contact their homebuilder to schedule a site visit.
The Live Communication Speakers are highly secure, operating on a protected VoIP network instead of traditional phone lines. This VoIP network operates independently from the rest of our security services, which allows the communication system to remain consistent and reliable when it’s needed most.

When it comes to your protection, proactive security is paramount. If criminals attempt to strike, we engage every layer of our proactive crime prevention measures to deter them and keep your site safe & secure.

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