Construction sites, commercial properties, and auto dealerships are just a few of the many locations that are visited by hundreds to even thousands of vehicles each day. With so many vehicles, it can be difficult to keep track of who is entering your site…

Our solution is syncroPlates.

What is syncroPlates?

syncroPlates is our proprietary license plate reading system and searchable database module within our reporting dashboard, syncroReports. This system was designed as an intuitive way for our monitoring operators & your team to record and monitor vehicles that enter your site.
When a vehicle enters the view of our high resolution license plate reader cameras, an image of the license plate and vehicle is captured and then processed through our proprietary neural network, the plate values are then converted into metadata and then stored into syncroPlates. Once in the database, you can easily access and search the logs that include the date & time, location, plate number, and even a picture of the vehicle.
The license plate database is a great tool for monitoring who is entering and exiting your site at any given time (to verify deliveries, contractor or employee arrival/departure, etc), as well as a platform for gathering high quality evidence that can be utilized in court or to aid in ongoing law enforcement investigations.

Our License Plate Reader

Our license plate reader (LPR) camera is an important peripheral in the efficacy of our syncroPlates platform. Surface level features of this camera include high resolution 1920 x 1080, 60fps, and a 99% capture rate.
Our LPR camera is also protected by an IP67 rated enclosure; it is completely protected against dust and environmental debris, and can be fully submerged in water up to 1m for up to 30 mins.
With this rating, environmental hazards such as rain, snow, and small airborne particles from construction sites become obsolete. These cameras are designed to easily mount on surfaces such as poles, walls, and building fascia in order to capture images of any road or site access points.
syncroPlates License Plate Reader
As mentioned above, once a vehicles enters the view of our LPR camera, an image is captured of the license plate which is then processed and converted into metadata, and instantly databased into syncroPlates.
White syncroPlates logo

The Unique Features of Our Proprietary Platform

Now that you are familiar with some of the moving parts of syncroPlates, we can get into the many unique features. Our team has designed syncroPlates to be as accessible and robust as possible by implementing a wildcard search feature that filters by date/time, location, and plate/number (even partial plate numbers can be searched!). This feature is especially helpful when looking for the vehicles that were on site during specific incidents like vandalism or theft, or to verify material deliveries.
Another important feature of our syncroPlates module is the blacklisting function. Blacklisting a vehicle provides additional site security: any time a blacklisted plate is read by our license plate reader camera, an alert will automatically go to our UL Certified Video Monitoring Center, where our operators will communicate the vehicles’ arrival with key contacts from your site, and/or the police if requested.
The synchronization of the world’s largest civilian database across all Caliber protected sites provides a highly effective security measure for our clients; any license plates flagged as suspicious or are known to be operated by criminals, will carry over to all of our clients sites.
For example, if a vehicle is flagged on Client A’s site, then the same vehicle appears on Client B’s site, our video monitoring team will be alerted by our syncroPlates system that there is a flagged vehicle on site. This feature is very effective for sites that are in the same industry such as construction sites or auto dealerships, as they are often targeted for theft by the same individuals.

Overall, through the early detection of suspicious, flagged, or blacklisted vehicles, our license plate reader and syncroPlates module are an effective measure for preventing criminal activity. Outside of security, syncroPlates is also an excellent project/site management tool that can help improve your business efficiency.

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